

Leading companies in various sectors from Entertainment and Gaming to PR and Advertising have chosen bigCDN as their trusted partner.

bigCDN has delivered Live streams at massive scale for many Brands including Disney for their Pirates of the Caribbean World Première (Verizon as Technology sponsor).

Some other customer examples include:

Reebok, Nokia, Virgin, X Factor, Sephora, Nominet, World Health Organization.

Nokia Video Hosting Customers NDS Video Hosting Customers
Reebok Video Hosting Customers SEPHORA
WHO X Factor
Ofcom- Video Hosting Customers V Festival - Video Hosting Customers
Real Impact Productions Nominet- Video Hosting Customers
Real Property Tours Bauer Media

bigCDN’s Content Delivery Network can service all your multi CDN & video hosting needs.

Multi Protocol Streaming Delivery

Supported video streaming Devices

Mobile Streaming video Troubleshooting

Live Streaming video WEB TV

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