Streaming Video Delivery | Streaming Video Hosting

big CDN’s Streaming Video delivery is second to none, providing quality experiences to audiences globally…

Streaming Video delivery Center

Streaming Video Delivery Center

As the technology industry expands with improved computing power and larger internet capacity, Streaming video delivery is one of the fastest ways to projvide information to a constantly growing audience.

It is the ultimate way to distribute your content at high speeds across the globe. Media companies, the entertainment industry and user generated websites are all utilising this cutting edge technology to access a large global audience.

Our online video distribution platform is a fast and flexible way to manage your online content, while maintaining a reliable and economic service. We can guarantee that buffering is now a thing of the past with increased bitrates providing a high quality user experience.

Our video delivery is considered ‘real streaming’ as the user can rapid seek to any point in the video and the content is not stored on the viewers PC providing extra protection to the content owner.

High Definition and dynamic bitrate video streaming is now supported, which switches seamlessly frame by frame between different bitrate video streams depending on the viewers’ internet connection speed at that moment (playback does not stop and the bitrate does not need to be selected in advance). Our Flash demo can be seen here.

Dynamic bitrate streaming, also known as Adaptive BitRate streaming (ABR), is often used for streaming to mobiles and tablets. It is available through a variety of protocols specified by companies such as Adobe, Microsoft, and Apple. Further technical information can be viewed on this page.

Video On Demand is being utilised by companies around the world to get their message across clearly and cost effectively. TV episodes, sport replays and music videos are all being broadcasted online, isn’t it time you joined this revolution too?

Silverlight Smooth Streaming HTML 5 support Android support Apple iPhone support Flash FLV, MP4 support Blackberry RTSP support XBOX

All Formats Support

Formats include: Flash, Smooth Streaming, Apple HLS, Real, HTML5, Web M, Mpeg Dash, HD, Icecast, Ogg, WMV, MPEG-4. See also Mobile streaming and Web TV

All Devices Supported

Device Examples: PC, iOS, Mobiles, Roku, Boxee, Xbox, Playstation, Wii, Bluray, smart TV, google TV. See, Supported Devices

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