Content Acceleration is provided by bigCDN Globally using multiple CDNs & POPs.
Have you ever gone to a website and it loads very slowly or not at all? A recent Forrester study showed that a slower page response time resulted in an increase in page abandonment. Specifically, website visitors expect pages to load in 2 seconds or less – and after 3 seconds, up to 40% will leave your site.
A lot of research shows shoppers abandon slow websites:
and a faster website will move you up in Google’s search results:
Our Application Delivery Network (ADN) will increase the quality of your delivery and reduce your costs. Both Large Objects and Small Objects are supported for very large scale delivery to all regions – no project is too big for us.
Maintaining a web strategy is hard enough without your delivery network slowing down and frustrating your audience.
Using the latest technology bigCDN flawlessly combines with any website to provide your audience with a faster, smoother experience.
Content Acceleration increases profits for clients by decreasing download times and boosting media and web object delivery. By caching large files to ‘the edge’ the customer gets the web page delivered to them from their closest possible server.
- bigCDN reduces the strain on servers and bandwidth while preventing interruptions and content drops
- bigCDN enables content such as dynamic content, database content and private objects, to be securely cached
- bigCDN provides accelerated website delivery globally from the Americas to the Far East without compromising quality
Multi Protocol Streaming Delivery