A number of technologies are deployed by our Content Protection Systems to protect your content on request.
For example a video or Live Webcast should be prevented from getting published elsewhere without your permission.
Content Protection Systems Geo Blocking
Geo Blocking is a popular method, whereby the publisher chooses which countries the content is restricted to. If someone attempts to access the content from a restricted area a ‘forbidden’ message will appear.
This can be useful in order to maintain copyright regulations, prevent content theft and deep linking from other websites (you would pay for their bandwidth use). Case study of a live webcast using geo-blocking example is here. This two day webcast had 3.5 million hits and was ‘geo-blocked’ so that only viewers from the UK could see the live event.
Another popular method of protection is URL obfuscation or tokenization. This offering prohibits illegal publishing with a query string parameter which includes an expiration timestamp (session based). It counters distribution outside the limits specified by the publisher or content owner.
For the Flash format we have a verification protection mechanism that compares the .SWF of the end user with those of the publisher. If the SWFs are not a complete match then the end user is blocked from watching the video or the stream – like a digital fingerprint.
Email us if you would like further information.
Multi Protocol Streaming Delivery
Supported Devices for video streaming