Global CDN providers – Network

CDN providers

Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) are designed as high performance networks for the distribution of files, videos and other rich media globally by CDN providers. It is the most efficient and economical way to increase the scale, reach and performance of your company’s presence on the internet.

Designed to handle both Video and Web Object media, bigCDN automatically determines the viewer’s location by checking their IP address on our global database. This decides which server is closest to the viewer for the fastest delivery times possible. Customers are able to accelerate their website loading times by offloading their files to us.

This high speed delivery is achieved with our mapping, content replication and route optimisation technology which is used to provide the most reliable delivery path to the viewer, even at busy times.

Our cutting edge reporting and analytics systems enable clients to gain additional insight with in depth statistics related to the use of their online media. Clients are able to analyse trends, check metrics and get full historical usage information. They can see who has watched what, from where and importantly for how long.

As CDN providers we can deliver content in all popular media formats including Adobe Flash (FLV, H.264) and Windows Media (WMV, Silverlight). If there is a media type you need to deliver just ask. e.g to mobile devices (3GP, iPhone, iPad, Android, Blackberry).

Our scalable infrastructure allows for peaks in traffic levels, flash crowds and high availability all on a truly global basis. With a big increase in broadcasters providing High Definition programming, consumers want clarity with their online videos as well.

Multi Protocol Streaming Delivery

Supported Video Devices

Mobile Video Streaming Troubleshooting

Live Video Streaming WEB TV

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