Web TV, Net TV and IPTV

Web TV, Net TV and IPTV channels stream 24/7 so they require 100% SLAs which big CDN supply.

Everyone is talking about IPTV, and users love it.

Without spending a single penny on extra hardware or software, you can transmit TV on the net 24/7. All you need is your computer or other device with a video capture card, fast internet connection and a video camera or webcam.

Most popular usage:

  • Online Security Centers

  • Online Entertainment channels

  • Online Casino channels

Standard Delivery Format choices:

Flash – rtmp: vp6 flv, h.264 mp4

Windows Media – mms, rtsp, http: wmv

Suggested Live Encoders:

Flash and HLS:

Adobe Flash Media Live Encoder (free) – PC/MAC

Open Broadcaster (free) – PC/MAC

Windows Media:

Windows Media Encoder or Microsoft Expression – PC

For information or advice about other supported software and hardware encoders please contact us

Windows Media Player Flash Player

Premium Live Streaming to multiple devices

With bigCDN’s advanced multi-protocol streaming service you can stream H.264 live to iPhone, iPad, Android, Blackberry, Laptop, Desktop and more using a single live stream to your publishing point on our CDN. If you intend to use Adobe FMLE 3.1 or 3.2 the H.264 video should be encoded at baseline level 3 with AAC audio. Adobe ask you to use the AAC Encoder plug-in from MainConcept.

Premium Stream Playback formats:

RTMP for Flash Player in a web page, HTTP to the iPhone and iPad (streaming – not download), Microsoft Silverlight Smooth Streaming, RTSP/RTP to the Droid and Blackberry and Flash streaming to game consoles such as the Wii and PS3.

Please also ask about our MPEG-TS streaming to IPTV set-top boxes and accelerated HD, High Definition, high bit rate delivery.

web TV for iPhone, iPad, HTC desire
Please also see Premium Multiple Protocol Streaming

Web TV using On Demand video content

Server-side VOD playlists can be used for both Flash and windows media. These give the impression that the stream is live content (pseudo-live). Playlists are convenient for Advert insertion.

Add-on Extras

  • Geotargeting – restrict your live stream to a selected country

  • Stream Protection & Authentication solutions

  • Interactive chat to work alongside your stream

  • Video Microsite hosting

  • Ad insertion

               Buy Now

Please also see

Best Frame Sizes for iOS devices

Mobile Streaming Troubleshooting

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